Do You Have Legal Issues With Your Job? Allow Us To Help
Here are Some of Cities We Serve
- New Jersey
- Paterson
- Clifton
- Chatham
- East Orange
- Madison
- Hoboken
- Fort Lee
- Summit
- Morristown
- West Orange
- Trenton
- Jersey City
- Elizabeth
- Cherry Hill
- Brick
- Camden
- Bayonne
- Passaic
- Union City
- Franklin Township
- Middletown
- Old Bridge
- Gloucester
- North Bergen
- Vineland
- Piscataway
- Irvington
- Union Township
- Jackson
- Parsippany-Troy Hills
- New Brunswick
- Perth Amboy
- Wayne
- Plainfield
- Howell
- West New York
- Bloomfield
- East Brunswick
- Washington Township
- West Orange
- Monroe Township
- Egg Harbor
- Evesham
- South Brunswick
- Bridgewater
- Hackensack
- Sayreville
- Manchester
- Mount Laurel
- North Brunswick
- Berkeley
- Linden
- Hillsborough
- Kearny
- Marlboro
- Teaneck
- Manalapan
- Montclair
- Winslow
- Atlantic City
- Belleville
- Galloway
- Monroe Township
- Ewing
- Pennsauken
- Freehold Township
- Fair Lawn
- City of Orange
- Lawrence Township
- Garfield
- Deptford
- Willingboro
- Long Branch
- Livingston
- Westfield
- Voorhees
- Princeton
- Nutley
- East Windsor
- Rahway
- West Windsor
- Englewood
- Mount Olive
- Lacey
- Stafford
- Bergenfield
- Neptune
- Millville
- Bernards
- Ocean Township
- Hamilton Township
- Pemberton Township
- Paramus
- Bridgeton
- Wall
- Randolph
- Ridgewood
- Lodi
- Mahwah
- Cliffside Park
- Maplewood
- Rockaway Township
- Carteret
- West Milford
- Scotch Plains
- Medford
- South Plainfield
- Plainsboro
- Barnegat
- Cranford
- Burlington Township
- Montgomery
- Raritan Township
- Roxbury
- Morris
- North Plainfield
- Roselle
- Vernon
- Montville
- Hillside
- Lyndhurst
- West Deptford
- Lower
- Millburn
- Secaucus
- Moorestown
- Elmwood Park
- Lindenwold
- Little Egg Harbor
- Jefferson
- Pleasantville
- Middle
- Palisades Park
- Glassboro
- Hazlet
- Maple Shade
- Sparta
- Hawthorne
- Aberdeen
- Tinton Falls
- Point Pleasant
- Harrison Town
- Rutherford
- Dover
- Washington Township
- South Orange Village
- Dumont
Our Attorneys Your Dedicated Legal Advocates
At Green Savits, our team of skilled and understanding legal professionals proudly provides comprehensive and efficient legal services for all clients.
What Our Clients Say
Testimonials That Speak Volumes
At Green Savits, your satisfaction is our priority! See for yourself what our clients have to say about working with us.
“I felt like they genuinely cared about my issues, and wanted to help me in the way that was best for me. They respond quickly, professionally, and empathetically, and I genuinely believe there is no where that can do a better job.”- Kelly B.
“They were exceptionally professional, highly responsive, balanced empathy with straightforward input, and always seemed to be one step ahead by looking around corners to ensure all facets of the issue were addressed.”- Steve F.
“He was always easy to reach and quick to answer and genuinely cared about what I had to say - and took the time to research my issue to make sure there wasn't something he missed. Very personable and easy to get along with as well!”- Alexandra W.
“- Former Client
Glen and Laura helped me heal from serious financial, physical and emotional injury inflicted by my manager’s illegal and reprehensible discriminatory actions.
” -
“Jon and Glen discussed with me as a team and grasped the key of my case already with their superb professional expertise, and I walked out of the door knowing that my case was in good hands.”- Nancy Z.
Why Choose Green Savits?
Proven Results. Experienced Team. Personal Commitment.
Our attorneys have prevailed in landmark New Jersey Supreme Court cases, making a significant impact on employment law with decisions involving issues like pregnancy and religious discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, and more.
With a strong reputation for success, we bring the exerience and determination necessary to fight for your rights every step of the way.
Our attorneys have influenced legislation for New Jersey workers and have successfully argued in eleven New Jersey Supreme Court cases on critical issues like pregnancy discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, and sexual harassment.
We don’t shy away from challenging large, well-resourced corporations. Our firm has successfully taken on Fortune 500 companies like AT&T, ExxonMobil, and Pfizer, achieving justice for our clients in the face of tough opposition.